Capella Intima’s debut recording features canzonettas, solo arias and dialogues from the Oratory of San Filippo Neri in Chiavenna, attributed to Francesco Ratis (d. 1676), and published in Milan, 1657.

This fascinating volume borrows freely from the most popular dances and melodies of the previous decades, applying sacred texts that align with the founder’s teachings, encouraging a personal relationship with the Divine. Clearly written with young people in mind, the texts are sensual in their images of spiritual ecstasy, and often tinged with humour in their varied descriptions of the sinner’s inevitable fate.

The album is available to stream on Spotify and Apple Music. And for digital download via musica omnia. To purchase a physical copy, please email

The complete booklet from the debut recording on the Musica Omnia label is now available. Full text translations here.